Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Well, I didn't work on a bookmark, but I did work on my "big" project - much easier than I expected it to be. I'm "madmomming" it (which means I'm adapting a pattern and generally making stuff up as I go), and I'm worried it won't come out okay.

So far, so good, though. It has a bit of a pattern in it, and that part looks good at this point.

I do have a back up plan, just in case, though!

I really need to get the house cleaned tomorrow, though. A week of me feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and a sick Ellie home from school for three days does NOT make for a neat and tidy house. You think Lego bricks are a pain to step on? Try tiny little plastic "counting" bears - you know the kind that come with matching color cups in the "educational" aisle at Wally World?

There are no words to describe *that* pain at 3:00 am, let me tell you.

Well, time to watch the news and prepare to face the day tomorrow. Sleep tight, all, and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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